Tine Colen



Tine Colen



The CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm where I harvest vegetables weekly uses rye as a green manure on beds that will be replanted the following year. While exploring how this shared piece of land could provide me with materials for my work, I harvested some rye stalks. In folk art, I discovered the use of straw for mobiles in Northern and Eastern Europe and in French furniture decoration. I crafted a straw universe to hang above M’s crib, as well as light-reflecting pictures by using straw as veneer on panels.




After her training in the medium of painting, Tine Colen (1985) felt the need not to simply represent or imitate the world, but to be in the midst of things. Gradually, the following elements became characteristic of her work: The blurring of boundaries between art and functional objects by creating items that carry meaning and can sometimes be used / working with natural materials in a cyclical process, often defined by their temporary, seasonal nature, as well as human-made materials considered waste / seeking specific knowledge about plant usage through the study of ethnobotany and anthropology / a slow and labor-intensive making process, rooted in collective creation / generating value through the way objects are used, gifted, and passed on / using public space as a workshop, where the physical work sparks conversation, encounters, and change.